Wednesday, March 21, 2012

The Cost Of The Affordable Care Act

Last week, the Congressional Budget Office provided revised figures regarding the cost of Obamacare. The price tag won't even come close to the 980 Billion Dollars Obama promised!

Instead, the true cost will actually be 1.76 Trillion Dollars.

To give you an idea of what 1 Trillion Dollars actually looks like, imagine and endless chain of one-dollar bills touching end-to-end. Now, run the continuous chain of dollar bills from the earth to the moon...200 TIMES. That's how much 1 Trillion Dollars really is.

Or, think of it this way. Assuming the 2010 US Census was correct and there are 114,235,996 households in America...

Each and every household could be given $15,000 and this still would not equal 1.76 Trillion Dollars. Something to think about.

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